Welcome to 4PM @ The Priory

We are an exciting, inclusive and fun new expression of church based in Monmouth.

4pm @ The Priory is part of the Anglican tradition, and is a new service plant from St Mary's Priory Church here in Monmouth, and part of the Monmouth Marches Ministry Area.

We're a cafe-style family and community church where we focus on worshipping in an interactive and fun way - with plenty of contemporary worship, craft, drama (of the planned kind!), integrated children and young peoples' work, lots of cake, refreshments... and much, much more... all in fellowship with one another.

If you're looking for a different approach to church; if you're searching for a place to learn more about God and to question - come and join us to find out more.

All are welcome

4pm @ The Priory every Sunday

4pm @ The Priory does Big Church Festival 2024

Looking back at Recharge: A Heart for Worship 2023

Come and join us to get involved with our new theme series. Coming soon...

Join us every Sunday at 4pm.

To find out more click here for more indepth information on each of our services.

Our new season of services has been released ... check them out here for what exciting things we are exploring over the next few months.

Follow us on social media for up to date information and more about our services.